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We have three levels of user manuals to guide you through the full capability of Market Insight and a fourth for the Excelsior module. If you would like specific help in using Market Insight effectively, please speak to your Market Insight contact

The Base Manual will take you through the standard features of Market Insight such as navigating through the application, selecting the data for you to analyse and creating cubes and charts.

The Advanced Manual will take you through the more sophisticated features such as using expressions, which is a method to calculate numeric results by using constants, mathematical, logical and date functions, Market Insight variables and Market Insight Queries as elements of an expression. Using expressions significantly enhances the power of Market Insight and the value you get from it.

The Modelling Manual will take you through how to profile your data, identifying characteristic trends which then allow you to model your data and find best-fit prospects that match your ideal customer profile. This manual also shows you how to use decision trees enabling you to define a selection of customers that you are interested in and then to identify characteristics that are typical of these people.

Please note that we have also now added extensive guides to three key areas of Market Insight functionality. You can access these guides to Wizards, Expressions and Mapping from How To section.